
       I know the past few posts have not really been all that fun. Since the first two post were mainly about giving out information about the class. Though now I will tell you about a certain website that we will be using every now and again in class.     This website is called   F u n b r a i n . This is a child friendly website that is full of different games, reading material, videos, and other learning devices. I will be allowing my students to use this website as a way to connect their learning to having fun.  Online Games for Kids - Funbrain     I wanted to give you all a head start so you can see how Funbrain works. Do not worry if you do not understand it right away, I will help you once school beings. Though like I said earlier we will only use this every now and again.     I hope everyone is ready for school to being again. I know we will have a fun time learning and growing with one another!  
     This post is more directed towards the parents of my students. I wanted to take a moment to tell you about skyward. This is a program that I supported by many schools, including ours. This program allows you to view your child's progression and grades in their different classes.      It will also allow parents to see how their child is behaving in each of their classes. You can always email me or set up a meeting if you would like more information on your child's grades. I just wanted to tell all you parents about Skyward and how it can better help you keep up with your child's grades.      Thank you for taking the time to read this. I cannot wait for this school year to start! Let's go Panthers!       
    Hello there all of my students this is your teacher, Mr. Anderson. I just wanted to create this blog to try and make it easier for you all to understand how my class will work for the rest of the year. In this first post, I will go over my class rules.     My four simple rules are: Act responsibly  Be honest   Choose safety first  Show respect          If we all follow these rules I know we will have an easy and fun school year together! Always remember your A, B, C' S ( the four rules above). If you are seen showing off these behaviors then you will be rewarded paw bucks. Which can be used to buy many different in-school and in-class items.